What’s your brand’s story?
Can you tell it quickly?
Because people forget numbers and such like, but they remember stories.
The pros and cons of modern technology
The joy of today’s technology is that it’s so much easier to get your story out there, and the many facets of the story.
The drawback is that everyone is telling their story. There’s a lot of noise. And you could get distracted and tell every little thing you as a business owner are fascinated by.
To cut through, you need to tell your brand’s true story really well, and really consistently. You need to create content from that story that is inspiring, that is useful and that makes your customer go “oh yes, they really get me”.
It’s about making your customers feel something and inspire them to do something.
Because stories without action remain stories.
Stories that inspire action become legends.
So, what legend do you want to create?