Why do I want to visit a website?
I guess now I could shop for a product from a single image, from a tweet or a Facebook post. You might decide that you could do without a website.
I think that would be a mistake and here’s why.
A website is about more than just selling
I go to a website to see all the stuff your business does. Here’s where you tell me the story of how you got started, where the idea came from. This is where I get a look behind the scenes, to meet the team.
It might be where you show me what inspires you or where you’ve been travelling. I might get to hear about ways you support your local community or bigger initiatives around the world. There might be new stuff from you every week, from things to do with your product to a coffee shop you found on your travels.
Newsletters are about more than just selling
I think it was the incredible Ann Handley who said that you need to focus on the letter part of your newsletter. Your newsletter goes from you to someone.
Just one person at a time.
Nothing gets in the way between you and them. Well, other than whether what you write persuades them to open the email.
And who doesn’t want to get a good letter? Full of interesting stuff, things that make me smile, or something I didn’t already know.
These are two spaces where you own the conversation, so make the most of it and tell your story, all of it, your way.
But you want to make sales
Who do you buy from? The cold caller or someone you’ve got to know? Just because your style and content is chatty, and different, and informative doesn’t mean it’s not going to sell your stuff.
Just think about how rarely you buy something the first time you see or hear about it. You’ve got to get people to know you, to like you, and to trust you. And then they’ll be open to hearing about your offer. In fact, done right, they’ll be ready before you ask.
What can I help you with?
If you’re thinking about how you can do those things, but not sure if you have the time or the desire to do it yourself, then it might be good for us to have a chat. I can work with you on things such as:
- All the aspects of your brand story, designed for your website
- Product copy and sales pages
- Newsletters and email sequences
- Blog posts, articles and announcements
No one’s business is like yours; every single one is at different stages of development. What you’ll need depends on what you’re trying to achieve, what your customers already know you for and trust you for.
Chat to me, and we’ll work out how to make your customers want to spend time wherever you turn up.
Click here, and let’s start the conversation.