This is not quite my usual Thursday kind of post. Though I imagine that I won’t be feeling quite my usual self today.
With good reason though, as I am spending Wednesday night celebrating a 20 year working relationship. The working part is coming to an end as they retire, but hopefully not the relationship.
There have been a few cocktails and glasses of wine involved over the years, and we’ll be seeing it out in the same way. In fact we have another member of the gang joining us, and he’s well renowned for his bad influence on the cocktail drinking front.
When you’ve kept, and valued, a working relationship for two decades then I think that’s something worth celebrating. Maybe you don’t need to go all out with cocktails, but perhaps take a moment to reflect on the long standing relationships in your business. Always good to say thanks, or why you value them.
But if you see me, even virtually, please speak gently.
Normal service will be resumed next week.