As a copywriter, you might expect me to warn you to stay away from ChatGPT. Far from it. I love ChatGPT. It’s a fantastic tool. But, like most tools, it only works when you use it properly. Most people won’t. What you’re going to ask ChatGPT to do As a small business owner, you’re probably […]
You can’t control or hack the algorithm
“You’re not in control of when you get wet when there are waves”. From the squeals a few minutes later, I guess the sea exerted its control and the two swimmers got a quicker dousing in cold water than they’d hoped for. But if you swim in the sea, then that’s the way the waves […]
You are not for everyone. Don’t even try to be.
My favourite baristas weren’t necessarily the best ones. There was definitely no single-estate, single-origin coffee on offer. No trendy light fittings or furniture. In fact, the less said about the furniture, the better, but that wasn’t their fault. There was no latte art; the choice was takeaway cup or your own. Judgement free zone I’m […]
You might be the expert, but is it about you?
One of the great joys in my working life has always been about working with real experts in their field. Doesn’t matter what the expertise is in, there’s just something incredible about hearing from people who know their stuff. Except sometimes that expert voice isn’t appropriate. When people forget that the people they’re writing something […]
Even your smallest space is a story space
What’s the smallest space your business owns? We’re often focused on the big spaces, the big things. The places where you can tell your story in huge letters or at great length. We agonise over what to put on billboards or the side of our delivery lorries. But the smallest space is the one your […]