Did you make any new year resolutions on 6 April?
I don’t think many of us did.
But we all started a new tax year. The reason?
Because aeons ago it was the start of the new year. It hasn’t been since about 1752.
Yet we’ve stuck with it. For continuity. To avoid disrupting the tax system.
We’re doing our tax digitally, yet we’re working with a date decided back in the 18th century.
This is not a rant about tax returns
It’s about accepting systems and processes because that’s how we’ve always done it, whether our “always” is several months, six years or since before anyone can remember.
It’s too much effort to disrupt things.
We tell ourselves we need continuity.
That’s why innovators win. They make the effort.
They blow stuff up. Mainly figuratively speaking.
If a routine doesn’t serve you well, then why are you still doing it?
The routines we blow up and make the effort to disrupt and change are often the ones that bring the best rewards.
Gym routines get changed because they stop delivering benefits. No reason producing content of any kind can’t have the same logic applied.
When did you last review the results you were getting from your efforts? Is there something that looks like no one cares about? Then ask yourself why you keep on doing it.