Today is Go For Broke Day, a day that’s about giving something everything you’ve got. If you’re running a small business, then you’ll probably recognise that feeling. It’s your livelihood and probably takes up more time than any job in the corporate world ever did.
What about your content? Do you go for broke on that?
If you said yes to that, then good on you. I think you’re in the top 10%, take a gold star and go to the top of the class! For the rest of us, it’s a constant juggling act. And yet your content should be helping you out, day in, day out. It should be like your best salesperson and customer care person wrapped in one, 24 hours a day.
That definitely makes it worth going all out for, doesn’t it?
But it’s not easy, or low-maintenance. A blog or any kind of social media needs consistency to get any kind of impact.
Talk about the never-ending story
So yes, it takes effort, it can be hard work but done right and consistently then it’ll add to your business day after day. It tells your story in the way you want it to be told, attracting your tribe. Better to have a small, dedicated tribe that really get what you do than thousands who are not really engaged with what your vision is.
Done right, your blog is your best friend in organic search for the things that you want your business to be known for.
Blogging is not the fast and the furious
It’s very easy to get disheartened when you look at your stats and don’t see big numbers. Keep focusing on the quality, not the quantity. Maybe go read Kevin Kelly’s essay on 1000 true fans. It might help you keep the faith and then carry on and write another post your tribe will really engage with.
You’ve got mail
Building your email list is vital too. But to keep your tribe on that list, then you want to be sending them valuable content on a regular basis. They need to hear from you often enough to continue to feel engaged in what you do so that when the time comes to ask for a sale, they still know what you do. And they still want what you do.
When did you last mail your list?
Newsletters from you should continue to tell your story, your view of the world. They should be about stories, not just about selling. In fact, it’s never just about the selling, just as it should never not be about selling. It’s all about the balance.
So, there are lots of reasons to go for broke on the content front. There are also good reasons why it may not be the thing in your business that you personally should go for broke on. I wrote a piece on reasons to write your own stuff, and also reasons why you shouldn’t.
The key thing is to get high-quality content out consistently. How you go for broke on it is up to you and what’s right for your business.
So, will you go for broke today? What are the things in your business that would really make a difference to it if you went for broke?
Rosalind Bubb says
I am really beginning to see the value of consistent and high quality content creation! I’m running two webinars later this month and so I’m going all out to get a new Video Program complete, and a sequence of little videos, in readiness for them. And I’m breaking my own rule of not working at the week end, until it’s all finished! 😉
Thanks for reminding me why I’m doing it!
Michelle Kuklinski says
Hmmmm, good question – I think the very thing I should ‘go for broke’ on, I am avoiding!! And it’s certainly not content! Thank you for asking the question and making me think.
Helen says
Glad to act as a nudge. There’s always something that we all know we are slightly putting off. Usually it’s going to the gym for me.
Helen says
Always good to hear of the graft paying off.